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Anne Fennell is an Inspiring Woman in Plant Biology

June 3, 2024

Our very own Dr. Anne Fennell of South Dakota State University has been named one of ASPB's 25 Inspiring Women in Plant Biology. Dr. Fennell is a founding member of the VitisGen program and continues to lead and inspire all of us with her intellect, innovation, and kindness. 

North Dakota State University releases two new grape cultivars!

October 2, 2023

The North Dakota State University Grape Germplasm Enhancement Project, a VG3 participating program, has released two new grape cultivars: 'Dakota Primus' and 'Radiant'. These vines have low susceptibility to powdery mildew, downy mildew, black rot, foliar phylloxera, and no observed grey mold. Both have high yield and winter survival, and produce fruit appropriate for wine production. These vines will go into nursery production soon and will be available for sale within the next few years!

VitisGen3 Variety Trial Enhances Biopesticide Management

September 19, 2023

Conventional pesticides are starting to lose efficacy as pathogens develop resistance. However, biopesticides may be a promising alternative to tamp down disease and protect the genetic resistance of new grapevine cultivars bred to rely on fewer agrochemicals. Wine Business Monthly recently covered the VitisGen3 variety trial aiming to generate production recommendations for farmers growing disease resistant vineyards.